Rapid Test kit for Dengue Ns1 Antigen
Dengue NS1 Antigen FP is a rapid solid phase immuno‐ chromatographic test for the qualitative detection of Dengue NS1 Antigen in human Whole Blood/ Serum/ Plasma. This test is for in vitro diagnostic use only and is intended as an aid in the earlier diagnosis of dengue infection.
Category: Rapid invitro diagnostic ivd kits
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This test is only for clinical laboratories, medical institutions use and for real‐time inspection by professional medical staff, and not for home testing. It cannot be used as the basis for the diagnosis and exclusion of pneumonia caused by SARS‐CoV‐2 and is not suitable for general population screening.
The laboratory testing of SARS‐CoV‐2 should meet the requirements of the "Laboratory testing for SARS‐CoV‐2 in suspected human cases” and other requirements, and pay attention to the biosecurity.
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In 2021, ARF LIFESCIENCES was founded by Dr. Ratik Kohli, driven by a profound commitment to improving public health.
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