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Rapid Oil Fortified Testing Kit

The main edible oils produced domestically in India include rapeseed oil, soy oil, cotton seed and groundnut oil. Edible oils are an important component of food in Indian households with its penetration in 99% households. Palm oil is the single largest consumed oil (38%) closely followed by soybean oil (22%). Thus, it is possible to improve people's access to fat‐soluble vitamins through fortification of edible oils. Fortification of cooking oil with vitamins A and D is feasible technically, and economically and is a successful model. Vitamins A and D are both stable. The stability of vitamin A is greater in oils than in any other food. Cooking losses range from 5% for boiling to 20% when the food is deep fried. The stability of vitamin D is similar to that of vitamin A — little or no loss is experienced during processing or storage. Fortification of oil does not alter the taste, flavour or the colour of the oil. The fat‐soluble nature of vitamins A and D make it is easy

Rapid Rice Fortified Testing Kit

The purpose of this test is to quickly and inexpensively assess the presence of fortified kernels (containing iron) in fortified rice. In this test, reagents react with ferric (iron) ions to generate a dark brown‐red pigment with Test Reagents‐1 and Prussian blue, the deep blue pigment in blue printing, is generated by the reaction of the reagents with ferrous (iron) ions in this test with Test reagrnts‐2. Thus, this test will not work on fortified rice using fortified kernels that do not contain iron. This is a qualitative test only (i.e. detects if iron is present/not present); quantitative details, including iron level and mixture homogeneity are beyond the scope of this procedure. TIME REQUIRED: Less than five minutes

Rapid Salt Fortified Testing Kit

The purpose of the product is to indicate the presence or absence of iodine in salt fortified with potassium iodate (KIO3). A coloured reaction will indicate the presence or absence of iodine. The colour observed after adding the test solution is compared to the colour on the range chart. The reaction colour is visible within one minute Semiquantitative and qualitative field test kits for iron determination in fortified salt have been developed and tested. These kits could be useful in quality control of fortification of salt in small salt‐production facilities and in the field, particularly in developing countries. BACKGROUND Rapid, qualitative fortified rice assays are currently used by fortified kernel producers and pilots/programs that distribute fortified rice. However, many of these Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) are not documented for non‐laboratory use, and require adaptation for use in the field, as may be the case in regulatory monitoring settings.

Rapid Wheat (Flour) Fortified Testing Kit

Analyzing the iron content of flour determines whether the required level of iron is present in fortified flour, which is critical to the success of a flour fortification program. Several analytical methods are available for determining the level of iron in flour ranging from simple rapid tests to ones that require sophisticated instruments. (1) Wheat flour fortification is a safe and effective means of improving public health. (2) Fortified wheat flour is an excellent vehicle for adding nutrients to the diet as wheat flour is commonly consumed by all people. (3) Cost effective method to prevent nutritional deficiencies. (4) During milling of wheat, nutrient losses take place. Fortification helps in adding back these nutrients. (5) Iron, Folic acid and.